Memorial University of Newfoundland

Our SE Chapter at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) hosted an exciting panel discussion on campus titled “Fueling the Future Fest 2024 (FTFF2024)”. Their event strived to engage and educate the MUN community with the opportunities that green energy and net-zero projects present to their province. This was accomplished through a panel discussion with 5 local energy leaders from both private business and the University, and followed by a student pitching competition to generate innovative ideas for future opportunities. This event generated awareness of local net-zero, specifically upcoming green hydrogen and wind energy projects in Newfoundland and Labrador from companies including WorldEnergyGH2, ABO Wind, and Growler Energy, as well as supporting organizations and institutions including Econext and MUN. As their province, Newfoundland and Labrador, is extremely reliant on the oil and gas industry, the Chapter feels they made a strong start in engaging local young people in conversations related to alternative energy sources and discussing the concept of net-zero to amongst the future changemakers within their community. As a younger Chapter, they were thrilled by the turnout of over 70 students from MUN and can’t wait to see how many future young leaders join their Chapters team and future events!

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