2024 Sustainability Showcase

Our SE Chapter at the University of Manitoba held a Sustainability Showcase Fair on campus based on one of the Student Energy Research and Youth Engagement team’s Net Zero in Our Neighborhood Action Toolkit project, Eco-Living Block Party! This event brought together 15+ local sustainable vendors (i.e., Bookman online, a used book vendor, and Planet Pantry, a low-waste & package-free household item vendor) and sustainability related organizations (i.e. Compost Winnipeg, Climate Action Manitoba) from across Winnipeg to booth in a central location on campus for students to engage in dialogue centered around achieving net zero goals and how individual action can further a sustainable future. The event engaged over 150 people including students, vendors, and various members of the community! The Chapter also hosted an “electric vehicle trivia” and set up posters for students to respond to the question “how do you practice sustainability?” as additional measures to engage students in dialogue throughout the day. Based on a post-event survey, over 80% of attendees rated the event as 100% satisfied with the experience! The team was able to connect with new students to learn more about the Chapters event and overall is very pleased with this project.

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